Destroying the city in one of the Worst Hurricanes in human history New Orleans is still trying to recover from the destruction. There are some big companies from outside the region, which have come into help yet many local companies are complaining that they could not bid on the contracts.
No one can deny that, yet some of the larger projects obviously were too much for local companies and there are subcontracting opportunities. In fact some of the smaller companies could not get enough labor back to work. The larger contracts awarded through FEMA, went to FEMA vendors rather than local County, State and Local small and medium sized companies.
Another complaint was that many of the contracts went to friends of the Bush Administration. The issue of awarding contracts to their friends is a typical comment and complaint in these types of situations and it definitely gets blown out of proportion by the mass media as well. Yet complaining and applying conspiracy theory to every contract awarded to certain companies is not so brilliant.
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Calling into question the intentions of government working seamlessly to get the job done does not help anyone really and without proof foul play it really is a bunch of conspiracy theory hokum. After all some of that potential favoritism will go on anyway and Louisiana and all their ridiculous corruption is certainly no one to talk. After all had those Levee contracts done their job the thing would not have broken in the first place you see$%:
Since there are people and companies that you have a previous relationship with you can do a deal with on the telephone due to a previous handshake and know it will get done. Providing fluidity of motion. In our company we often relied on certain vendors who we had a relationship with and successful dealings in the past and that is worth something in a time of crisis, making such no bid contracts out to be unethical is unwise, as most of the time it is simply that simple.
Nevertheless I understand the complaint but did not follow the exact details on those no-bid contracts, only realize that when time is of the essence, you ain't got 60-90 days and public notice to get it done. I hope this article will propel thought on the realities of life on Earth in 2007.
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